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Recruiting Prowess: The precursor to successful IT transformation

What do today’s IT organizations see as they watch the business world shift to the cloud, worker mobility, globalization and digital access–each calling for maximum security and speed to market? What comes into immediate focus are infrastructure and network services experts. These key team players furnish the skill and scaffolding to envision, plan, build and upgrade frameworks that efficiently and securely serve all stakeholders, from employees to business units, customers and partners.

As a leader in IT executive recruitment, Lucas Group is seeing unprecedented outreach for the IT infrastructure recruiter or network services recruiter who can provide the most expedient path to seasoned talent. The hiring landscape is very competitive. It will remain so for the foreseeable future as companies transcend legacy infrastructures and networks on their journeys to digital transformation. Lucas Group is central to the movement.

Demand expert guidance and top talent for your distinct IT strategy

Whether architectural advancements are taken in big or small steps, and regardless of your current infrastructure, managed services and goals, our IT recruitment experts have the know-how to assess and help fulfill your human capital needs. Mid-tier to Fortune 500 companies nationwide find mission-critical value in our constant pulse on the evolving IT industry, coast-to-coast network of fully vetted candidates, and our consultative approach and thorough recruiting processes.

Candidates within Lucas Group’s pipeline of IT infrastructure and network services talent pool are available for permanent, interim and contract roles. Based on our clients’ unique needs, we source professionals from a full spectrum of degreed, certified and skilled specialists–from consultants to analysts, architects, designers, engineers, developers, administrators, managers, testers, security specialists and professionals who excel in training, support, user interfaces and user experiences.

Make a successful journey to your new normal

Today, right out of the box, hardly anything in IT is precisely or uniquely defined for an individual corporation. Customization is both the beauty and the beast of advancement. When it comes to the architectural and network services that enable your very existence, it’s good to know there are experts who can connect you with talent who will ensure these fundamental components evolve with stability, cohesion and security. Let us help you achieve your critical hiring goals and successful IT transformation.

Areas of Expertise

Area of Expertise

Software & IT Service

Hire for Software & IT service.

Financial and Accounting

Hire Top Financial and Accounting.

Health, Wellness and Fitness

Hire Top Health, Wellness and Fitness Professionals.


Hire Top Healthcare  Professionals.

Food & Beverages

Hire Top Food & Beverages Professionals


Hire Top Manufacturing Professionals.

Arts & Craft

Hire Top Arts & Craft Professionals.


Hire Top Transportation Professionals.


Hire Top Entertainment Professionals.

Energy & Mining

Hire Top Energy & Mining Professionals.

"What Our Clients Are Saying"

Hirenest Group has been there for me during time sensitive staffing needs and have also provided the hard to find high level technical candidates
Marcos Rubalcava
Goody Goody